Light pollution caused by outdoor lighting fixtures has become an increasing environmental concern. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) works to mitigate light pollution by identifying environmentally friendly lighting practices and certifying products as Dark-Sky compliant. They seek to educate consumers on the benefits of Dark-Sky lighting so they can make conscious choices on their outdoor fixtures and their impact on their community.
Dark-Sky compliant lighting minimizes glare and blue light in the evening while simultaneously reducing light trespass and skyglow.
Signature Hardware lighting listed as Dark-Sky compliant will meet the following criteria as required by the IDA:
- The light fixture must be fully shielded and emit no light above the horizontal plane.
- Light bulbs must be fully contained within the light fixture.
- The correlated color temperature may not exceed 3000 Kelvin.
- If non-IDA approved mounting, our interchangeable lightbulbs are available, Dark-Sky criteria will be provided in writing for the fixture advising the use of 3000K CCT or lower light bulbs and that the lighting be fix mounted at a 90-degree angle to avoid upward light exposure.