Can I reconsign my order to a new address?

For tax compliance reasons and to safeguard our customers against fraudulent activity, we do not offer reconsignment of packages. To change the delivery address of your purchase, please contact our Customer Service team at 855-715-1800 who will assist with cancelling and replacing your order.

Can I place an order for pick up?

We do not offer pickups at our Erlanger showroom or warehouses. However, our showroom is open and in-person appointments are available. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 1-855-715-1800.

Do you offer in-home delivery?

All freight deliveries are made curbside. Items cannot be unloaded and placed on driveways, sidewalks, porches, or in the home. The delivery company will notify you of your delivery window at least 24 hours in advance, and arrangements must be made by the recipient to accept the delivery.  

What is curbside delivery?

Large or heavy items are shipped in a freight truck. The driver will lower the package to the ground and place it curbside at the end of your driveway. Placement of items on driveway, sidewalk or in the home and package removal is not provided.

This is a large, heavy item, so you may want to arrange to have additional people help you the day of delivery. The freight carrier will contact you to schedule delivery and someone of at least 18 years of age will have to be on hand to meet the driver and sign for the package.  


Freight Shipping video

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